
Análisis Softonic

Textos y libros de audio 12 sin conexión

متون و كتب صوتية 12 بدون نت is the twelfth part of an audio reading series that includes more than 100 scientific texts and books. The program, developed by Konest, offers users a collection of educational materials in Arabic that can be accessed without an internet connection. The audio readings are performed by Abu Ahmed Rashid Al-Shaithami and have been divided into several parts to ensure better quality.

In this twelfth part, users can find a variety of texts, including "Al-Fara'id Al-Bahiyyah" by Abu Bakr Al-Ahdal, "Silm Al-Wasul Ila 'Ilm Al-Usul" by an unknown author, "Matn Tarfah Al-Tarf Fi Mustalah Min Salaf" by Mohammed Al-Arabi Al-Fassi, "Nazm Al-Waraqat" by Al-Amiri, "Matn Al-Waraqat Fi Usul Al-Fiqh" by Al-Juwayni, "Matn Al-Muqaddimah Al-Ajurrumiyyah" by Ibn Ajurrum, "Lamiyat Al-Arab" by an unknown author, "Matn Bina' Al-Af'al" by an unknown author, "Mulhat Al-I'rab" by Al-Hariri, "Nukat Al-I'rab" by Ibn Hisham, "Matn Qatr Al-Nada Wa Bil Al-Sada" by Ibn Hisham, and "Matn Tuhfat Al-Atfal" by an unknown author.

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